Monday, October 13, 2008

The Possibilities for the Future are Limitless

It’s fascinating how we always seem to get to a point in life where a great invention is made and it’s a wonder how that’ll ever be topped. Yet, there are people with amazing ideas, who strive for perfecting and creating that next gadget that will have everyone oooh’ing and aaah’ing only to be replaced by the next successor.

Well...for now, meet the io-Jacket!

I’m sure that at some point you’ve been to a department store and have noticed a particular pair of jeans and even sweatshirts that have been designed to accommodate iPods and cell phones. Backpacks especially have been doing this for quite sometime, even having added compartments some years ago for the long forgotten CD players.

The io-Jacket, which is obviously not on the market yet, might someday be on many Christmas lists in the future.

It’s not your everyday jacket.

Londenfrey is the German company we have to thank for this wonderful invention/apparel.

The jacket has a Bluetooth and MP3 player as well as touch sensitive control pads on the sleeve to control these devices.

Sure, this all sounds pretty nifty so far, but as usual the best is always saved for last.

The most clever and absolutely fascinating aspect about this jacket is its compatibility with GPSoverIP.

What in the world is GPSoverIP? (You may ask).

GPSoverIP stands for Global Positioning System over Internet Protocol. In other words, it is the transmission of GPS data via the internet. It provides geographical coordinates over the Internet. (

Now let’s just say that this could possibly hold the solution to some of the everyday critical problems, we as people tend to face.

GPSoverIP, in my opinion, should one day win the Noble Peace Prize for creating the possibility of making situations, like kidnapping, a thing of the past.

A person wearing this jacket will have the capability to make their every movement and present location known to friends and families with internet access. This could prove to be quite useful unless you have a psychotic ex-boyfriend/girlfriend you're trying to avoid.

Even inside buildings where signals tend to drop, the io-Jacket will have the ability to stay connected.

An interesting idea that was brought up by, was the fact that these jackets could serve to assist those who work in certain fields where it would be critical to know ones location. For instance those who might do undercover work and even the technology itself could be used for those working in Fire Departments.

Luckily the io-Jacket looks just as trendy enough to wear without looking ridiculously out of place. Sure enough these will probably be available in the color of your choosing.

No price has been provided for this item, but no doubt it will definitely come with a hefty price.

According to only 10 of these io-Jackets have been produced and one has been sold to benefit a charity. I’m sure it will be quite awhile until these are made available to the public, at your nearest Nordstrom perhaps, but when they are this will definitely change the daily lifestyles of many.


Cody K said...

This is crazy. You and I have super similar topics this week.

The biggest thing I think that jacket is missing is the auto-drying feature like in Back to the Future 2.

Michael J. Fitzgerald said...

Very interesting column.

The writer could have avoided all the preliminary, gee-whiz sentences and gone straight to the heart of the jacket, er, matter, by talking about the technology.

Also, rather than tell readers the possibility of this technology being available is remote, let the readers dream a little... it wasn't that long ago that the laptop computer was just a dream. And now look.

Along the lines of dreams, the writer could have also mentioned that the GPS technology that is touted here has a very dark side to it.

Having anyone being able to pinpoint your exact whereabouts to within inches isn't everyone's idea of a cool thing.

Perhaps a future column could look at the new chip implants that some people are having put in - complete with GPS and credit card data...

Who wrote Big Brother?

Anne Morrison said...

I was just thinking about how annoying it is to unwedge my ipod from between my sports bra and back when I'm running. The ipod idea I think is brilliant. Bluetooth and gps seem to be pushing it a bit for me. I can understand the idea of a gps for safety but this is just nuts!